James&Co Supplier Code of Conduct
James&Co aims to build ethical and sustainable practices into every aspect of our business and we recognise the importance of managing our supply chain.
This Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) is a component of our Sustainability Policy aims to define standards for fair, safe and healthy working conditions for people, respect for animals, and responsibility for the environment throughout our supply chain.
We expect and require our suppliers to comply with this Code and encourage them to ensure that their organisations and their extended supply chains comply with these principles.
James&Co is committed to the following ethical standards and business practices:
- Corporate Governance, ethical business practices and compliance with all laws and regulations;
- Animal welfare;
- Management practices which respect the rights, health and safety of employees
- Socially responsible and sustainable practices;
- Valuing and respecting all people and their diverse backgrounds;
- Commitment and practices to minimise environmental impacts; and
- Acting responsibly to minimise risks to our: employees, customers, brand reputation, assets and information.
- Independent verifications and certifications of business practices relating to all the above - highlighting workers rights, health and safety, animal welfare and evironmental damage minisation practices.
Suppliers are expected to:
- adapt acceptable business practices with their own suppliers
- comply with all local and natiional laws and regulations on bribery, corruption and prohibited business practices
- conduct business in an ethical, fair and courteous manner
No animals or animal-derived materials will be used in James&Co products.
Suppliers must respect animal welfare and work progressively towards adopting healthy and humane practices towards animals based on best available practices, technology and standards.
We expect that all suppliers to James&Co will be aware that human rights are universal and fundamental rights that preserve the inherent freedom, dignity and equality of all human beings. We expect all suppliers to:
- comply with international human rights laws and norms set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
- manage their operations and their own supply chain guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
- ensure compliance with relevant laws affecting forced or involuntary labour, child labour, discrimination and security practices.
- ensure that company products, services or facilities are not used for human trafficking and/or labour or sexual exploitation. This includes observing the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
- not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour so that, for example, workers are free to leave after their shift ends, or to resign from their employment after giving reasonable notice.
- allow freedom of association and collective bargaining for workers to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.
- treat all workers with respect and dignity. No workers shall be subject to corporal punishment, physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
We expect suppliers to:
- provide fair pay and working conditions for employees, including meeting minimum wage requirements and compensation.
- compensate employees for overtime hours at such a premium rate as is legally required in the country of manufacture.
- provide fair working hours, leave, adequate rest periods and legally mandated benefits relevant to the country in which they operate.
- ensure that their workers are not required to work more than the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the laws and regulations in the country in which they manufacture.
- make provision for parental and carers leave as required by law.
- have equal employment opportunity, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies in place which meet or exceed requirements of any relevant laws where their product is made or service delivered.
- ensure hiring practices are based on an individual’s ability to do the job and are not based on personal characteristics including, but not limited to gender, ethnic origin, age, religious beliefs or practices, family responsibilities, parental status, marital status, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, identity and physical appearance.
- be committed to establishing a culture of respect and inclusion through valuing and respecting all forms of diversity including within their own supply chain.
work with us to ensure a supplier list which reflects our diverse customer base and offers a wide range of perspectives and capabilities. The suppliers we seek to engage, include: indigenous-owned businesses, women-owned or led businesses, disability enterprises and social enterprises.
Suppliers will ensure women workers receive equal treatment in all aspects of employment. Pregnancy tests will not be a condition of employment, and pregnancy testing, to the extent provided, will be voluntary and the option of the worker. In addition, workers will not be forced to use contraception.
We require suppliers to:
- comply with all legal responsibilities under applicable legislation of the country in which they operate;
- provide workers with a safe and clean working environment meeting the legal requirements of the country in which they operate, with appropriate training to perform their jobs safely;
- provide their workers with a clean, safe and healthy work environment, designed to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of or occurring during the course of work; and
- take a proactive approach to health and safety by implementing policies, systems and training designed to prevent accidents, injuries and protect workers health
- obtain independent verification by recognised organisations of the standards they meet and relevant certifications to displa
James&Co is proactive in measuring and reducing our environmental footprint, with the aim of procuring products and services that have the least possible negative environmental impact. We expect that our Suppliers will:
- meet all relevant local and national environmental protection laws, regulations and standards as well as strive to comply with international environmental protection standards.
- actively manage the environmental impact of their operations and take responsibility for minimising the negative impact of their products.
- support and encourage others to minimise the negative environmental impact of their operations where it can meaningfully do so
- work with James&Co to obtain independent verification for their business' environmental impact relating to CO2 emission, water usage, waste minimisation and use of chemical substances in fabrics and products.
1. Chemical Substances
Suppliers must:
- not tailor any products in traditional polyurethane or pvc;
- comply with all applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements regarding specific substances that are restricted or prohibited by law.
- acknowledge the Restricted Substances List of Bluesign (RSL)
- be transparent with respect to all information requested by James&Co about the products they provide - in particular relating to any required compliance declarations attesting conformity with the RSL list composition & chemicals of the fabrics and the final products.
- work with James&Co to ensure implementation and compliance with elimination of toxins in any James&Co fabrics or products
- work with James&Co to obtain independent verification of the composition & chemicals of the fabrics and final products
- label hazardous wastes to be disposed of properly and in accordance with local legislation; Disposal records must be maintained.
- provide training and correct PPE for employees in handling hazardous waste.
2. Manufacturing Processes
Suppliers must:
- comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection and preservation of the environment. This includes obtaining and maintaining all required environmental permits (e.g. discharge monitoring), approvals and registrations.
- eliminate or reduce waste by practices such as materials substitution, modifying production, improved maintenance, conservation, recycling and re-use of materials.
- identify waste sources and develop a procedure for disposal.
- identify air emission sources and monitor the emission in accordance with regulatory requirements.
- commit to reduce their carbon emissions in areas within their control and to seek out carbon neutral products and services in their business operations
- implement sustainable use and management of water resources in all areas that it has control over and to support and encourage others where it can meaningfully do so.
- identify waste water discharge sources and monitor the emission in accordance with regulatory requirements; Supplier must demonstrate appropriate license or permit from appropriate local authority for waste water discharge
- work closely with James&Co on corrective action implementation for continuous improvement.
- be transparent with respect to all information requested by James&Co about their business practices for minimising environmental impacts
- work with James&Co to obtain independent verification of the business practices for minimising environmental impacts
James&Co may from time-to-time revise or amend this Code.
Suppliers may be asked to read and confirm their understanding of this Code.
Suppliers may be asked to complete self-assessments and compliance declarations in respect of sections of the Code, especially in regard to attesting conformity with the RSL list composition & chemicals of the fabrics and the final products.
James&Co reserves the right to carry out regular assessments of the practices of our suppliers to ensure alignment with this Code.
We reserve the right to audit our suppliers.
We expect Suppliers to:
- Respond in full and be open and honest in response to any requests for information;
- Make compliance declarations as requested; and
- Complete an agreed corrective action plan until a satisfactory level of improvement is reached should any breaches or shortcomings regarding the Code be identified.